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February 01, 2012


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i LOVE this post! you are such an interesting person :)


Interesting post. When I first moved to the city in 1979 I would see these amazing chalk drawings on the black billboard spaces in the subway. They were Keith's. I wanted to photograph them but back then that would not have been easy to do. A few years later, when the Palladium first opened we would see Keith Haring, Kenny Scharf and Jean Michel Basquiat sitting at a table in the Michael Todd room, just hanging out. Their paintings were all over. People actually wrote on them! The Kenny Scharf is now in the Met. all good memories
Thanks for this post.

J.B. Taylor

You should write a post about partying at the Palladium, and all the cool people I'm sure you interacted with. I'm so happy you dug the post. It was a really special time in my life.

And merci, Pilgrim, as well! J'adore your blog too!

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  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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