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November 11, 2011


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A beautiful tribute. It was a sad week in fashion, wasn't it?

johnny zero Hintergardt

Aw man you rule getting to hang out with one of the holy trinity (Shirley Russell, Theadora Van Runkle and Ann Roth). Theadora was a total goddess as an artist and designer and I hope there will be a coffee table book about her work published. It breaks my heart that she is gone. First Theoni V. Aldredge, then Ray Aghayan and now Theadora, but they will always be an inspiration to me.

J.B. Taylor

I know . . . such a bummer. Who is keeping the torches blazing, aside from Milena Canonero? Are you a costume designer? You've got awesome taste in designing ladies! I'm a lover of all Shirley Russell's work as well.


What a wonderful woman! I've always been a huge fan of her work but she just sounds so amazing personally, that I am quite floored- and jealous of you!

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Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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