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October 19, 2011


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That is an amazing find! It actually reminds me of costume designs I did for "The Threepenny Opera" in school; 1920s meets piratical fashion: http://ghostswaltz.blogspot.com/2011/09/pirate-week-costume-designs.html
Very cool.

J.B. Taylor

Such wonderful sketches! It seems that you and Brita are birds of a feather. Merci for sharing the link, and I'll be officially following your tweets from now on : )


I will now forever call costumes "fantasy outfits." Great find!

heather porcaro

such an incredible find~ I love it! so perfect in every way~ x


I had a similar moment in a little town in the mountains of southern California. Going though an "antiques" store (mostly garbage, and old garbage at that) when I suddenly spotted a hand-drawn 4-panel cartoon from the days of Prohibition showing a character striding down the street "The Gink" then signaling a waiter with "The Wink" to get "The Drink" and finally sleeping in a bathtub "The Sink". Cost me $20, dated 1929. Very cool!

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Le Boutique

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  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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