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May 30, 2011


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mary catherine

oh my goodness--this was the single most important movie of my life. no kidding. PIP is the reason i make my own clothes, and alter vintage things and looked like a weirdo my entire high-school career. that kimono/robe she wears-- i have NEVER stopped looking for it!!! and also btw--almost every single thing you've posted about is something i can definitively say i am also totally into and could have written about and/or want to know more about. love it. we have 15,778 things in common.

and omg psychedelic furs...still one of my all-time fave bands. :)

J.B. Taylor

We do indeed have so much in common, it's freaked out! Pretty in Pink is probably my reason for living, and I've been on the hunt for that robe (since grade school) too. I've got some really good Hughes-centric stories for you, so we'll have to share them when we get together : )
P.S. Richard Butler, from the Psychedelic Furs lives in BEACON! We see him at the farmer's market every week. Seriously.

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Le Boutique

Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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