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April 06, 2011


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it was hard to do it, but i finally put all my sunglasses in the right order.

This is the best line I've heard...ever.


Love her quote! These two apples did not fall far from the tree.

Your post and photos are inspiring me to start pulling out the stored-away vintage and get ready for the new season at The Mystery Spot!


i adore miss lizzie. and i adore you. and i don't adore carnifals, but i'm impressed that lizzie put so much effort into doing something so hard like putting her sunglasses in order. i didn't know about your parents meeting or past in FASHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the brandts are THE BEST. love, lisa


I had no idea your father helped set up Young Edwardian! Amazing! I'd love to hear your parents' stories sometime or possibly interview them for something.

Lizzie totally looks amazing in all of these photos- and her room is such a dream!

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Le Boutique

Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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