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May 27, 2010


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Try this for free music http://www.pandora.com/
and lastfm.com


Oh my gosh! I just found this blog from your tumblr (I'm mystic-lady there) and just came to this entry as I was scanning back through the older entries. Ugh, what a terrible thing to happen. Seriously! I've been in a similar boat (mine was actually my own fault though; harddrive crashed without me having anything backed up - oops), so I understand the agony of the data loss. I'd love to send you a mix if you are still in need!


wow! just read this! have to admit i don't have a lot of vinyl. but i lost a lot of music when my hard drive died, so i feel for you!

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Le Boutique

Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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