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July 27, 2009


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Love Donald Sutherland. He is definitely underrated! Don't forget how awesome he was in the 70s remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Donald is an excellent actor and a charming fellow to boot. When I was 10, I approached him for a photo in an airport and he was more than gracious in granting my request. Great man

J.B. Taylor

Bonnie: I'm totally going to add "Invasion" to my NetFlix list. I haven't seen it since I was tiny, and it scared the bejeezuz out of me!

Denise Rich

When you look up charismatic in the dictionary, you see a photo of Donald Sutherland. Any one of these you have posted would work fine!

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Le Boutique

Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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