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September 03, 2008


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I love the Audrey Hepburn earrings!


Those Eiffel Tower earrings!! My gosh i am sooo excited!

love luna

Love vintage Jewelery! To answer your question, I really loved the Greek Islands. Although, a visit to Capri is also worth it! There is a shoemaker there who makes custom made sandals. He's made sandals for Sofia Loren, Jackie O., Grace Kelly, etc. He also has a scrapbook with pictures and autographs. They are beautiful! It's called da Constanzo.


I'm loving those Eiffel Tower earrings!


I'm loving those Eiffel Tower earrings!

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Le Boutique

Vintage Greenport, NY

  • Long Island Indian.
    Vintaging on Long Island's North Fork, Feb., 2008.

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